every single year, "100 Resolutions" from The Lawrence Arms (as well as Sundowner), is kind of my end of year song. I know, it is completely obvious as to why, but listen to the lyrics, or read them below, and tell me that you have not felt the exact same way around this time of year. Sure, we may make the same statements about what we are going to do different, but it is that period of change and making changes that makes you who you are.
love it or hate it, here it is
Where have I been all your life?
Sitting on fences, a novocaine for all the senses.
Another year will pass us by.
Making sense of nothing, in defense of something.
I laughed too late and dug myself into a grave.
This year I'll try not to think too much.
This year I'll try to stand up for myself.
This year I'll live like I've never lived before,
this is my year for sure.
Another stupid clumsy story.
More accidental aspirations.
Another explosion of silence.
I think I'm going deaf, or maybe I'm just hearing less.
This year I'll try to only listen to myself.
This year I'll try not to think too much.
This year I'll try to stand up for myself.
This year I'll live like I've never lived before,
this is my year for sure.
I wonder where you'll be bringing in the new year.
As midnight clocks are singing,
good chance I'll be slobbering somewhere.
Probably pass out, wasted, and sleeping until the smoke clears.
Vague memories of midnight flash in tune to morning sunlight.
Wake up knowing you'll never be there.
I've got 100 resolutions, but I've got no solutions.
I've got one song I write 100 times.
And only a dozen or so rhymes.
This year I'll try not to drink so much.
This year I'll try to stand up straight.
This year let's live liked we've never lived before,
this is our year for sure.
-Title taken from The Lawrence Arms song, "The Revisionist"
Friday, December 31, 2010
I agree with this list
head on over to punknews.org for their end of the year list. I will agree with their choices, especially their pick for Number 1.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
what should i be doing?
Hey, I never get comments, so this is not a pitch to get more comments or anything. I just really want to know what those of you that read this thing would like to see more of. So, tell me, what should I be doing in these spaces? Do you like random songs? I know you like free music links. But, what else? should I be thinking of something everyday or save it up for bigger posts? These are things for me to think about for 2011.
One thing that I think is pretty exciting is that the government recently passed legislation about low-power radio stations. So, I would LOVE to set up something with that, for those of you in Northern Illinois within 10-15 miles of my house. That would be fun. I would also love to have this be a place not just for me, but for others who would like an honest opinion about things, art, music whatever.
One thing that I think is pretty exciting is that the government recently passed legislation about low-power radio stations. So, I would LOVE to set up something with that, for those of you in Northern Illinois within 10-15 miles of my house. That would be fun. I would also love to have this be a place not just for me, but for others who would like an honest opinion about things, art, music whatever.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
song of the day, December 29.
hey, how about something fun today? How about a rump shaker?
"Shake Your Hips" from The Rolling Stones
"Shake Your Hips" from The Rolling Stones
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
song of the day, welcome back edition
Over Christmas, I watched Doctor Who Proms on BBC America. The below song is a beautiful piece of orchestra music
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
hey hey, Song of the day
Sooooo... I have the next 5 days off of work, so if anyone cares, I may not be posting much until after the holidays.
That being said, today, I decided to post "Holiday" from The Get Up Kids. This song is off the album "Something to write home about."
This album has become one of my "memorable" albums that I talked about in recent posts. However, at the beginning, when I first bought the album. I was not really happy with it. I found it kind of annoying to listen to. It just did not fit what i was interested in at the time. I don't even really know what I was interested in. It seriously took me a couple of years of giving it a chance before i really got into it. It has since become my favorite TGUK album. It just goes to show, that if you do not give something a fair chance, you may miss out on something completely amazing.
That being said, today, I decided to post "Holiday" from The Get Up Kids. This song is off the album "Something to write home about."
This album has become one of my "memorable" albums that I talked about in recent posts. However, at the beginning, when I first bought the album. I was not really happy with it. I found it kind of annoying to listen to. It just did not fit what i was interested in at the time. I don't even really know what I was interested in. It seriously took me a couple of years of giving it a chance before i really got into it. It has since become my favorite TGUK album. It just goes to show, that if you do not give something a fair chance, you may miss out on something completely amazing.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
song of the day, december 21
how about Christmas for today?
"have your self a merry little Christmas" by Frank Sinatra provided by my girlfriend to me this morning
"have your self a merry little Christmas" by Frank Sinatra provided by my girlfriend to me this morning
Monday, December 20, 2010
how about we get ready for Christmas?
Something fun today, "Twistin' the Night Away" by Sam Cooke.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
what makes an album memorable?
last night, I went with my sister to Dashboard Confessional's "Swiss Army Romance" 10 year anniversary show. I have not really enjoyed the more recent output from Chris Carrabba. But, that first album, "the swiss army romance" and then
the places you have come to fear the most" and his eps "Summer's Kiss" and "So Impossible" are amazing pieces of music. Now, while I have not listened to any of his music since i saw him play with a full band in the spring, and have not listened to any of the recorded songs in over a year, I still know pretty much every word to every song from those 4 albums.
This got me thinking, even though my tastes my change and there types of music I get really interested in for a while and everything else kind of falls on the back side, there are always certain albums that I will probably be able to put in at any time in my life and be able to sing along to. I am not talking songs here, I am talking full albums. But, why? What is it about these albums that just hold on so well. Is it because they are catchy? Is it because they are played on the radio? Is it striking lyrics? I would have to say no. Mostly, it is because the total combination of song and lyrics have just the perfect balance of what was needed at that time in my life. Now, this is going to be a completely selfish post, because what works for me and what works for you are probably 2 completely different things. But when it comes down to it, that is what music is all about. What WE feel about it as a person, not what others tell us to feel about it. There are ALOT of people out there that just go to shows to hear that one radio hit, that one song that EVERYONE thinks is cool. Those people do not understand music. They do not get it. These are the people that go to shows so they can tell someone else that they were there, they were a part of it. They get the t-shirt because it is "cool" to have been there. Not because they like it. Case in point, there was this rather drunk girl standing by the bar at the end of Chris Carrabba's set, which consisted of "The swiss army romance" start to finish as well as a bunch of older songs basically playing the 4 albums I mentioned at the start. Well, anyway, this rather drunk chick was on the phone, as soon as the lights went on, after an hour straight of music, and she is YELLING at someone "have you ever heard of Dashboards Confessions?" (close, but just not DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL) well her friend or whoever did not know who she was talking about so she continues "well whatever, i just got done making out with him and it was awesome."
I stood and watched the whole show, I don't remember any wasted slutty girl being on stage with him, but apparently, she felt it would help make her look cooler by telling someone that this took place. These are the people that do not appreciate what they just saw. With the exception of this drunk chick and the people who talked the WHOLE FUCKING TIME...the show was amazing, everyone sang along to every song. Which brings me back to the start of this thing, what makes an album have that effect on people?
Thinking back at what i know i could sing with, to me it is that perfect balance between lyrics, song structure, feeling and passion. The albums have that mix of happy and sad. There is a feeling of importance to what you are listening to. Sometimes they just come at the right time. Sometimes, they come when you least expect it. Maybe you have been waiting for it to come in the mail, so you check every day, happy with the anticipation. Then, there are others that hit you before you realize it and you cannot get them out of your head.
Along with "The Swiss Army Romance"
there are quite a few albums that no matter how long I go without listening to them, i can still sing along.
Emery "The Weak's End"

The Lawrence Arms "The Greatest Story Ever Told"

Coheed and Cambria "The Second Stage Turbine Blade"

Saves the day "Stay What You Are"

Rise Against "revolutions per minute"

Alkaline Trio "S/T"

The Gaslight Anthem "The '59 Sound"

Against Me! "As The Eternal Cowboy"

Sparta "Porcelain"

Now, this is in NO WAY a definitive list, just things that I have had ingrained to often into my brain that they may always be there. And there is not a damn thing wrong with it
the places you have come to fear the most" and his eps "Summer's Kiss" and "So Impossible" are amazing pieces of music. Now, while I have not listened to any of his music since i saw him play with a full band in the spring, and have not listened to any of the recorded songs in over a year, I still know pretty much every word to every song from those 4 albums.
This got me thinking, even though my tastes my change and there types of music I get really interested in for a while and everything else kind of falls on the back side, there are always certain albums that I will probably be able to put in at any time in my life and be able to sing along to. I am not talking songs here, I am talking full albums. But, why? What is it about these albums that just hold on so well. Is it because they are catchy? Is it because they are played on the radio? Is it striking lyrics? I would have to say no. Mostly, it is because the total combination of song and lyrics have just the perfect balance of what was needed at that time in my life. Now, this is going to be a completely selfish post, because what works for me and what works for you are probably 2 completely different things. But when it comes down to it, that is what music is all about. What WE feel about it as a person, not what others tell us to feel about it. There are ALOT of people out there that just go to shows to hear that one radio hit, that one song that EVERYONE thinks is cool. Those people do not understand music. They do not get it. These are the people that go to shows so they can tell someone else that they were there, they were a part of it. They get the t-shirt because it is "cool" to have been there. Not because they like it. Case in point, there was this rather drunk girl standing by the bar at the end of Chris Carrabba's set, which consisted of "The swiss army romance" start to finish as well as a bunch of older songs basically playing the 4 albums I mentioned at the start. Well, anyway, this rather drunk chick was on the phone, as soon as the lights went on, after an hour straight of music, and she is YELLING at someone "have you ever heard of Dashboards Confessions?" (close, but just not DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL) well her friend or whoever did not know who she was talking about so she continues "well whatever, i just got done making out with him and it was awesome."
I stood and watched the whole show, I don't remember any wasted slutty girl being on stage with him, but apparently, she felt it would help make her look cooler by telling someone that this took place. These are the people that do not appreciate what they just saw. With the exception of this drunk chick and the people who talked the WHOLE FUCKING TIME...the show was amazing, everyone sang along to every song. Which brings me back to the start of this thing, what makes an album have that effect on people?
Thinking back at what i know i could sing with, to me it is that perfect balance between lyrics, song structure, feeling and passion. The albums have that mix of happy and sad. There is a feeling of importance to what you are listening to. Sometimes they just come at the right time. Sometimes, they come when you least expect it. Maybe you have been waiting for it to come in the mail, so you check every day, happy with the anticipation. Then, there are others that hit you before you realize it and you cannot get them out of your head.
Along with "The Swiss Army Romance"
Emery "The Weak's End"
The Lawrence Arms "The Greatest Story Ever Told"
Coheed and Cambria "The Second Stage Turbine Blade"
Saves the day "Stay What You Are"
Rise Against "revolutions per minute"
Alkaline Trio "S/T"
The Gaslight Anthem "The '59 Sound"
Against Me! "As The Eternal Cowboy"
Sparta "Porcelain"
Now, this is in NO WAY a definitive list, just things that I have had ingrained to often into my brain that they may always be there. And there is not a damn thing wrong with it
Friday, December 17, 2010
song of the day, day off of work edition
today I decided on American Steel's "Old Croy Road"
Consistently awesome, American Steel never disappoints
Consistently awesome, American Steel never disappoints
Thursday, December 16, 2010
song of the day, December 16
Hey hey, sweet home CHICAGO. That is right. Today, after purchasing the new Buddy Guy Album, I decided to choose the first song off it, "74 years young" (buy the whole album off amazon.com MP3 for $7.99)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
song of the day, December 15th
Smoking Popes "Megan" this song has some of the best lyrics i have ever heard. Plus, Bayside did an amazing cover/tribute of it. Enjoy.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
song of the day, December 14
So i pretty much gave up with Christmas, it was starting get to cliche, because, well, alot of the songs I like about and around Christmas are a little cheesy, but I love them.
Today, I pick a somewhat older song, but an absolute amazing piece of art. Today's song is "Alastika" by Moving Mountains. There are not many words that describe something so moving as this outside of inspiring.
Today, I pick a somewhat older song, but an absolute amazing piece of art. Today's song is "Alastika" by Moving Mountains. There are not many words that describe something so moving as this outside of inspiring.
Monday, December 13, 2010
another new week song of the day
hey hey, over the weekend, Seth Walker was my band to listen to. Not sure why or how it happened, but hot damn, this was a satisfying listen on a cold, rainy, snowy weekend.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
but i wanna know
do you like good music? Is there something you think i should know about that you want to share. Send me something.
Friday, December 10, 2010
bonus song
This is just an amazing song, "Symmetry" by Chuck Ragan. But the intro that Jon Gaunt provides on this is just one of the most beautifully sounding things i have ever heard.
back to christmas for Friday's song of the day
Who has heard "Fairytale of New York" by The Pogues and does not LOVE IT?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
meh, not Christmas again
today, i give you "Chapter 13:the hero appears" by the Lawrence Arms from "The Greatest Story Ever Told" my personal favorite album of theirs and one of my top albums ever.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
late post, so i am skipping Christmas today
it is late, I kind of forgot about posting, today is "I'da Called You Woody Joe" by The Gaslight Anthem, because that is what i am listening to right now and I really like this song
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Song of the day, December 7
Did you enjoy the Bayside track yesterday? I did. Today I have The Almost's "Amazing, Because it is" this is not technically a Christmas song, but it puts me in the spirit. Plus, it also has a bit of "amazing grace" in it which was my grandfather's favorite song. He passed away suddenly about a week before Christmas when I was in high school and it was during his funeral that I found out Amazing Grace was his favorite song because of "That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see." line. This song is a modern take on it and, to me at least, makes a moving song have a more powerful impact.
This is a great song and reminds me of a great person who I always remember around this time of year. Enjoy.
This is a great song and reminds me of a great person who I always remember around this time of year. Enjoy.
Monday, December 6, 2010
I dropped the ball on Friday for the song of the day
I was off of work on Friday and tried to spend the day not on the computer. So I missed the boat for songs. I think today I will give you something, a free Christmas track from Bayside for Christmas.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Hey Hey, did your local record store not have the Gaslight Anthem "Tumbling Dice" album?
Mine did, but I got one online from a different record store. I don't have it yet, but I found this. It sounds good and I like it.
Song of the day December 2
The song I wanted to do today was by a band called Blondfire, but i cant seem to find anywhere online that has it.
SOOOOOOOO here is Dustin Kensrue, "Christmas (baby please come home)" if this does not get your toes tapping, you might want to check your pulse
SOOOOOOOO here is Dustin Kensrue, "Christmas (baby please come home)" if this does not get your toes tapping, you might want to check your pulse
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
song of the day December 1st
Should i do christmas songs? For the next 25 days, i will try to do some Christmas songs.
One of the most unexpectedly awesome Christmas songs I have ever heard. Emery's "(Ho Ho Hey) A Way for Santas Sleigh" off Happy Christmas (you can link to it below"
One of the most unexpectedly awesome Christmas songs I have ever heard. Emery's "(Ho Ho Hey) A Way for Santas Sleigh" off Happy Christmas (you can link to it below"
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