These are the only old blogs I still want on here for now. Sorry for any confusion this might lead to.
From the archives (originally posted 9.4.2009)
I have been trying very hard to not spend money on stuff. But, really I mostly buy music. So, that being said, I have not been buying music. Well, I have, but from sites like, used cds from disc replay or amazon, random sites with hard to find stuff, but I DO NOT download music illegally. But, one thing that this is making me do is listen to and appreciate stuff that sometimes gets pushed back. I know I have talked like this about lucero before, but today, today it was THE BROADWAYS.Now, I am not talking the new band "broadway" that just came out. I am talking about the band that evolved out of the death of SLAPSTICK. THE BROADWAYS. There are only 2 albums for this band. "broken star" and "broken van" both of which are amazing. to be honest "dropjaw" is my all-time favorite song. That band and music just seems to hold up year after year after year.The reason I am thinking this way is because I was talking with my boss and how there are just some songs that DO NOT hold up. You can totally tell and Elliot Smith song, something from The Cars, all of those "new wave" bands. They just sound '80s. There is no way to get rid of that fact. One person that I get irritated with in regards to holding up is Bruce Springsteen. His songs hold up as a whole, but really, stuff like "glory days" and "born to run" just kind of have that cheesy 80's feel to them and to be honest, i usually end up skipping those songs. They just kind of add a little more cheese year after year.However, The Broadways have a sound that is still being copied and still could be a successful band. The Lawrence arms are great, but I still love the Broadways just as much.
(originally posted 8.21.2009)
when we get to 20 tell me, I'm gonna throw up or "hey where do these stairs go?" "They go up"
(originally posted 8.14.2009)
she's just that kind of girl
Ok, so I go in phases with music. Sometimes I go for weeks and just listen to uptempo poppy stuff, then weeks of folksy, bluesy stuff, then hardcore screamy stuff, then rough hardcore...anyway you get the picture. However, no matter what I am currently into, there are a few bands that always make their way into my list. the Lawrence arms, Alkaline trio, hot water music, against me!, emery, the gaslight anthem...i talk about these bands all the time. But, there is one band that i kind of forget about. They never really go away from my list, but they kind of step outside the circle of my ears from time to time. That band is Lucero.Now now, do not put the "country" fact into your decision to hate them right off the bat. Most people do. I tell you, i have seen them live quite a few times, and my first experience listening to them was live, they blew me away. So much raw energy. Its almost impossible to listen to that band and not start moving some part of your body. The go from shake your ass alt-country to southern bluegrass in the drop of a hat and every time i get their music going, i find something new and amazing about it. typically, i do not like modern country. Not really at all. Yet, I can really get into the old old stuff. Roots music. Bluegrass. johnny cash. That stuff works for me.I guess that is what i see in lucero. A band that makes the music they feel. Not what people want to hear, not what is all over the radio. They make music that my mom can get into as much as me. That's something. Very little music transcends the generation of the artists creating it. Yea, yea...there is alot of old music out there that will always be good, the Beatles, the doors, the rolling stones, the who, pink Floyd...that music is not going to go anywhere. But its when a modern artist that appeals to "punk" kids as much as their peers and their seniors, that's when a band has something. how much of the music do you listen to that your parents also enjoy? Shit, i am only 27 and basically feel like the old crusty punk guy at a lot of the shows i go to. Too many swoop haircuts, skinny jeans, faux-hawks and stupid fucking scarves year round when it is 90+ degrees out. I just do not get that shit. All this hipster shit is driving me insane. Quit doing things because you think they are cool. Flat ironing your hair is not a comfort thing. Having your hat cocked with a straight brim pretty much defeats the purpose of a hat. Your hair in your eyes is not comfy, its fucking annoying.anyway, i digress. Lucero is a fucking amazing band. Check out all of the albums. Really, you will not be disappointed. Just make sure it is not the latin singer chick who is also named Lucero, that stuff is WAY different.Its the weekend, i am going to put all of my lucero shit on shuffle and go to bed.
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