Coheed And Cambria covers The Smiths
I'll be honest, I was a huge Coheed fan when "The second stage turbine blade" came out. Each subsequent album has kind of pushed me further and further from that same feeling of amazement. I know that Claudio has an overreaching idea for the whole series of albums, and they definitely had strong similar themes. But, I think it was those themes that killed it for me. In the end, everything kind of sounded the same. If you are going to buy a Coheed album, I vote for the one below.
Now, don't get me wrong, live Coheed shows were/are amazing. They really are some of the strongest musicians out there. What makes the live show more interesting than listening to all of the albums, to me, is due to the fact that the storytelling aspect of the albums is adjusted or almost forgotten in place of creating a great show. Concepts and storytelling do have their place in music. The thing is, it can overtake the quality of the album and create a pretentious piece of work that almost loses the fun aspect of it.
Look at Tom DeLonge and Angels and Airwaves. Their pretentiousness has pretty much ruined the combined output of their band. They have a few great songs, but the whole image and life they are trying to promote detracts from the overall quality.
But, I have digressed, I need to get back on track. I have not listened to the last 2 Coheed and Cambria albums. Maybe I should, maybe I let things I was not completely in line with ruin my chance at hearing something great.
I will state, while I do enjoy this version of The Smiths song, Broadway Calls did a cover that was just as impressive on their second album.
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